Well, here it is…the return of the blog. Not the blob, but the blog.
Although I have to admit the blob would have been interesting…hmm.

Anyway, I was thinking of starting with question-and-answer blogs of interest.
And I think an issue very much of interest and on everybody's mind is where will we be living in the not-so-distant future if our home continues its current path of destruction?
Some worry about destruction coming from a nuclear bomb such as the Tsar Bomba. But I think we know the answer to the bomb threat.
Not even the most powerful nuclear weapon ever created with a yield of 50 megatons of TNT, would be able to destroy the entire planet even traveling at nearly the speed of light.

But what about a more insidious threat? The one that's been creeping up on us slowly but surely.
Is our planet in danger of being destroyed by events such as global warming?
Some scientists believe this increase in heating could cause mass extinction with more than a million species at risk of future elimination due to global warming.
Can we humans do anything to prevent or reverse such a catastrophe? What do you think?
Have we advanced any in our efforts or does it seem insurmountable? We could try getting rid of humans themselves after all we're the ones who started the whole thing.
But wait, that idea wouldn't work. So the question remains, what will happen if we don't succeed in our attempt to reverse the damage done?
Will the entire planet go out like a light after all of the effort put into correcting the harm and that's the end of that?
For now, scientists expect an increase in the severity of dangers that people around the world face, such as water scarcity, malnutrition, and deadly heat waves, to name just a few. What is your opinion?